Why I felt that a book for victims involved in the family courts was necessary
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We have today issued proceedings for a judicial review against the Secretary of State for Justice and Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service of the decision to release a dangerous […]
A recent report detailing that British Citizens who are victims of forced marriage are being made to pay for their own rescue and repatriation to the UK highlights the terrible […]
I recently took part in a Radio 5 Live broadcast on the subject of coercive control and stalking and gave my view that the only explanation for the continued failures […]
The case of Laura Stuart highlights yet another woefully inadequate police response to a female victim of domestic abuse, coercive control and stalking. Her relationship with Jason Cooper was dominated […]
The abuse inflicted on Alex Skeel by his partner was horrendous and the sentence of seven and a half years handed down in April 2018 much deserved. Coercive Control is […]
I was delighted to hear the announcement at the weekend of the commencement date for the new laws around coercive control and domestic abuse. I was involved in the campaign […]
There has been much debate recently about the benefits of risk assessment tools in Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence cases and whether risk assessment tools should be abandoned […]
I was very pleased to hear the announcement by Theresa May on 18 December 2014 confirming that the coalition Government would introduce a criminal offence of coercive control. This is […]
The 18th December 2014 saw the announcement by the government that it would introduce legislation to create a criminal offence of Coercive Control and controlling behaviour. I have been involved […]