It’s hard to believe that it’s 20 years since I started up our domestic abuse department at Watson Ramsbottom and I’m proud of the work that we’ve done to help thousands of victims of domestic abuse.
Victims are particularly vulnerable during the lockdown, not because the lockdown causes domestic abuse, it doesn’t, but it does make it more difficult for victims to get help and advice and places them at greater risk.
With this is mind we have launched a live web chat service which victims can access from 9.30am – 9pm, 7 days a week, and we are already using the courts to obtain injunctions and orders for victims over the phone. The advantage of using the web chat service for victims is that the thread of the conversation isn’t saved on their phones or tablets so can’t be seen by anyone else
We are also utilising Skype/Zoom/telephone chats with clients and obtaining digital signatures on documents which is working well
We can help with safety planning, practical advice, protective orders for the victim and children, orders preventing the abusive parent seeing or removing the children from the victims care as well as all of our other services.
If you need advice you can contact us by email at, phone on 01254 672222, via Facebook, via Twitter or through the live chat option on the Family pages of our website